Organizational Process Assets

Organizational process assets are a general expression of internal rules, assets, procedures, and sources of information that can contribute to the success of the project. 

Organizational process assets and enterprise environmental factors are inputs that are included as inputs in many different processes, and the sub-inputs that it contains are inputs that vary according to the needs of the process. Organizational process assets in project management only cover assets within the organization in which the project is being implemented, while enterprise environmental factors can consist of both in-project and out-of-project factors. Another difference is your usage style. When it comes to enterprise environmental factors, when they are inputs, it means you need to take them into consideration, 

Most organizations have specific policies, procedures, knowledge bases, templates, and processes. The organizational process assets of organizations with high project execution experience, especially those working on a project basis for a long time, also have a deeper scale. In organizations with more and more organizational process assets, the chances of success of projects are always greater. 

Because the use of these assets reduces the number of unknowns that lie in front of the project team and the project manager. During the project, you will encounter fewer things that will surprise you. Bringing innovative solutions to the problems encountered is always an appreciated practice. However, it is always easier to overcome these problems by using an existing entity. Sometimes the fastest and safest way to get home is to use the paths you know. Here, organizational process assets also allow us to use exactly the ways we know.

Information obtained from similar projects carried out in the past is easier to understand compared to relatively abstract information such as company policy, procedures.

Since the structure of each organization, the nature of the projects it conducts, and the amount of experience differ, it is not possible to give precise information about what organizational process assets typically contain. However, these entities can be grouped under some basic headings. These headings are, 

Organizational policies, procedures and processes, the knowledge base of the organization, and knowledge of the individuals such as team members, project managers, and subject matter experts. Common OPA's are listed below:
  • Approval processes and approval procedures of projects,
  • The quality policy of the organization,
  • Procurement procedures,
  • Templates,
  • Guidelines,
  • Monitoring and controlling procedures,
  • Measurement procedures,
  • Audit principles,
  • Change management approach,
  • Problem-solving methods,
  • Records of project activities and project plans both planned and already happened experiences,
  • Lessons learned repository,
  • Project files from previous projects,
  • Business knowledge,
  • Predetermined Criteria,
  • Portfolio, program, and project governance framework,
  • Meeting notes,
  • Meeting reports,
  • Standardized processes of organizations,
  • Conflict resolution procedures,
  • Organizational communications requirements,
  • Guidelines of project or phase closure,
  • Financial databases,
  • Information databases,
  • Softwares,
  • Program calendars,
  • Budgeting tools,
  • Risk management templates,
A few examples from many processes that OPA's are an input to them;