Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

At the starting point of every result that we encounter, there is undoubtedly a root cause that is the basis for the emergence of this result. This is an unchanging rule.

In PMP Exam, this method is used in activities related to the following performance domains;

Root cause analysis is a project management method that is part of data gathering and analysis methods to analyze the root cause of errors that occurred in deliveries or processes, risks realized or identified, and deviations between data determined in the project management plan and realized version. Root cause analysis is a very useful tool to monitor the value delivery of the project and act at the right time for corrective actions in accordance with the project management principles.

 These are the recommended usage areas of this method. However, you can use it in several different domains as a result of the tailoring process. These domains may be:

In root cause analysis, in order to find the underlying cause, it is necessary to analyze the underlying aspects of the phenomenon that are outside the appearance and taking place. These root causes can be physical, or they can be caused by the organization you are in or by human considerations.

There are some basic methods that are widely used by all management approaches to perform root cause analysis. But the first task that needs to be mainly done is to determine and assimilate in detail the deviation, error, or existing risk that occurs in the project cycle. In the second stage, it is necessary to collect more advanced information about this error, deviation, or risk, conducting a qualitative risk analysis and quantitative risk analysis come next.

Following the collection of sufficient information, the stage of determining or estimating the underlying factors can be conducted. The basic tools used at this stage are "5 why? "or root cause schemes. Both are very commonly used tools, such as the fishbone scheme, expert opinions received, and information collected. Root cause analysis is completed by making recommendations for the solution of root causes that have been identified or assumed to be.

Root cause analysis is especially used for creating the stakeholder engagement plan, for risk identification, for measuring and controlling purposes and for quality management.

See also: Trend Analysis in Project Management

1- Res22 22.01.2022
Thanks for the elaborate work. RCA is a must especially in conflict management as every conflict has a root cause. RCA helps to see root causes in a holistic frame. Once finding root causes, solving the problem is usually rather easy.

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